DIY Paper Snowflake Easter Eggs | Motte's Blog

Unless you live in a self-made iglo-settlement (DIY or die!) somewhere in the vast snow-scape that is Antarctica, I‘m sure you’ve noticed by now that SPRING IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER!! It’s true, ditch the mittens, the wollen blankets disguised as shawls and the hot cocoa – wait, maybe not the cocoa – because Hallelujah, the sun has come out!

Now, whether this gets you all excited, because you too are madly in love with peonies (and the internet suggests that must be) or have come to realize that your vitamin D insufficiency is much more severe than initially assumed, or whether this leaves you crawled up in bed in misery, whining because you miss the cold wind pressing against your cheeks, sledding and freakin SANTA, no worries, I’ve got you covered.